Monday, October 23, 2006

Growing Absentee Voting Is Reshaping Campaign

Growing Absentee Voting Is Reshaping Campaigns

New York Times notices early voting:

Candidates are maneuvering to adapt to a changed political calendar, accelerating their advertising, their mailings and their get-out-the-vote calls.

"Love it or hate it, it’s the wave of the future," said Art Torres, chairman of the California Democratic Party. "Election Day started here on Oct. 10 and lasts 29 days."

A decade ago those who took advantage of absentee ballots tended to be relatively well off and highly educated, with Republicans outnumbering Democrats by almost two to one. But as the ease of early voting has spread, the ratio is slipping and some analysts say that nearly as many Democrats as Republicans now vote early...

Nearly as many? Not so in Iowa says the Reg:

Democrats have requested nearly twice as many absentee ballots as Republicans, an edge that Democratic operatives said could be a key to ensuring a big turnout Nov. 7.

State election officials said that as of the weekly count on Oct. 18, 136,796 absentee ballots had been sent to voters, including 77,611 to Democrats and 38,192 to Republicans.

“It could make a difference of a point or two, and I’ll take that this year,” said veteran Democratic strategist Jeff Link.

Republicans respond by touting their last second get out the vote effort, without mentioning the big November 5th fetus on the windshield church lit drops.

Oops, I wan't supposed to know about that.

Anyway the NYT has a map illustrating the general westward prevalence of early voting (New York is in the low end, may be part of why the national pundit types are behind the curve here).

Every time. I skip watching the game, the Pack wins:
The last time the Packers won in South Florida was in Vince Lombardi's final game as their coach in the 1968 Super Bowl against Oakland.

Which would be the anticlimactic Game After The Ice Bowl.

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