The payday and car title loan issue is on the table:
Rod Aycox, who owns Loan Max, a car title loan company, has given $250,000 to Republican legislative campaign efforts. House Democratic Leader Pat Murphy contends Rants has single-handedly blocked efforts to regulate interest rates charged by such companies.
'Apparently it's been money well spent,' said Murphy.
With a Democratic Senate Joe Bolkcom should have more luck leading this issue through.
Obamapalooza hits the old press: the band lineup includes Culver, Harkin, and The 'Sacks (Loeb and Vil).
Register sums up the Loebsack race nicely:
Leach has continued to strenuously object, most recently calling the war the greatest foreign policy mistake in U.S. history.
But McCabe said that's no longer adequate. 'I have voted for Leach, but I would like to see the Democrats take over Congress,' she said.
As good as that is, Mike Mauro gets the quote of the day:
I want voter registration to be easy,' he said. 'The other side ... they'd like to see it be more difficult... I think the message is that the fewer people who participate, they believe they'll be able to win elections easier.
And just for fun The Onion looks at the national scene:
With just seven days remaining until the mid-term elections, the National Republican Congressional Committee has allocated its remaining $256 million cash-on-hand to Arizona incumbent J. D. Hayworth's campaign, in the hopes of retaining at least one House seat. "Considering Rep. Hayworth's strong stance against terrorism and this infusion of money, we're feeling really good about this race," said White House chief strategist Karl Rove, who is personally managing the remainder of Hayworth's campaign from his Scottsdale office."He's going to be in a very competitive position if he spends just 90 percent of this money attacking [challenger Harry] Mitchell."
Hayworth will be joined at campaign events this week by 23 prominent Republicans, including Dick Cheney, John McCain, Bill Frist, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rudolph Giuliani, Ted Nugent, and Rupert Murdoch.
In a poll released today, Mitchell leads Hayworth by six points.
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