Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Who needs more entertainment at the caucuses?

Who needs more entertainment at the caucuses?

"It could be a really big deal," said Greg Edwards, president of the Greater Des Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Universal derision in the Iowa blogosphere today - particularly at the Britney Spears idea. Dropping the name of the shallowest famous-for-being-famous person in entertainment is just plain condescending to every caucusgoer in the state.

(I mean, seriously. She had ONE major hit EIGHT years ago, and mid-twenties is a bit long in the tooth to be milking a career founded on the Jailbait Fantasy.)

Lee Greenwood is clearly mentioned as the GOP ticket balancer, which I guess means Democrats are supposed to love Britney, huh?

A classic Chamber Of Commerce Doesn't Get It moment. If you HAVE to do this, and shoot for the alleged young demographic, bring in Christina Aguilera and Pink - they can at least SING.

You know what gets Them Young Folks excited about the caucuses? A good race with interesting candidates!

Besides, who needs more entertainment when Dennis Kucinich is running again? We're the Super Bowl of politics - and we don't need a pregame show.

This ranks as the dumbest idea since "Tax Free Under 30" last year.

1 comment:

John said...

I didn't have a chance to check in with Casey Kasem. Still, only one chart-topper and definitely too old to pull off the teen thing.