Thursday, March 29, 2007

Carter bashing begins

Carter bashing begins

As Jimmy Carter, Nobel laureate and architect of three decades of Israeli-Egyptian peace, launches his 2008 campaign, he's already getting attacked:

Hillel Director Jerry Sorokin said he was concerned about the UI Lecture Committee soliciting questions for Carter before the event - a request that the panel made in a university-wide e-mail announcing the lecture.

Thomas acknowledged those concerns as valid. But she said the committee is pursuing organizations such as Hillel and the General Union of Palestinian Students for questions, which will be reviewed by several people with an emphasis on diversity.

"They're not screened for [Carter's] interests," Thomas said.

Still, Sorokin addressed qualms with Carter's book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid", specifically regarding the title's use of the word apartheid.

"It's not only inaccurate, but it's inflammatory," Sorokin said.

This gives me an excuse to display a couple maps.

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