Sunday, April 15, 2007

Zogby 2: Questions

Zogby 2: Questions

Chris Turner: Money wasted on war may move people more. Zogby: Polling shows people want out, but deeper questions reveal ambivalence. That's not to say "don't get out." There needs to be a responsible way out, but public does not trust Bush to do it. If American people understood the content of the bill House passed they'd support it. Baker-Hamilton is in there. It's bad policy just to pull out.

Shams Ghoneim: Almost taboo to mention Israel/Palestine to candidates due to polarization. How to do it?

Zogby: If you put polls of Arab and Jewish Americans side by side they look almost identical. American Jewish community is very progressive on this issue. Mutual recognition and territorial compromise: 72% of DNC delegates (`88) privately supported it. In their hearts people know what's right.

Wants to form Iowans for Middle East Peace and get caucus resolutions. If we took a simple resolution like that, we'd get thousands of endorsers. Other side could not. Only reason there's no debate is fear, and keeping it under wraps. Once you talk, you win. Candidates won't discuss it unless forced. They never discuss except at Jewish or Arab audiences. (Some inequities there) "They gave the speech, it's done." So we need to put it on the table.

Polls of Europe show Israel/Palestine conflict is #1 thing people hold against us there.

Ghoneim brings up react against Obama. Zogby notes that hundreds of people signed letter thanking Obama for expressing concern for Palestinians. The story's not over yet - that's why I'm here. And we'll get the last word in. Dean and Kerry got pummelled into submission and never talked again. One guy in Des Moines can't silence a state.

Robert Carlson: I'm an ex-foreign service officer. If Middle East comes up at all: "we ain't got a dog in that fight." Most Iowans more concerned about immigration and jobs. American people want to just pull out.

Zogby says while this may not be #1 on people's mind, we can change that dynamic. We're not asking people to do something they're opposed to - we're asking to bring out people's better instincts.

Paul Meyer: The elephant in the living room is AIPAC. They want more aid to Israel, zero for Palestine, and something on Iran. What do we do?

Zogby: AIPAC doesn't always win, or claim credit they shouldn't. It's not $ it's people's votes. People cower about the money but they need the votes. The arrogance of the DM letter: "the entire Jewish community?!? Screw him!" We didn't let it stand. We got a counter letter and got organized including Jewish peace groups. AIPAC does not do justice to Israel, even Rabin said so. All this bizarre stuff plays into anti-Semitic stereotypes. Most of Jewish community does not agree. But if there's no alternative AIPAC wins. I'm glad Obama got the question because he gave a good answer. They can isolate Dennis Kucinich - they can't isolate the Iowa voters.

Eaves-Johnson (that should be an interesting write up) discusses with Zogby the "one guy in Des Moines" vs. other reactions. Zogby notes there were other reactions. Lieberman: "It's easier to debate Jerusalem in the Knesset than the Senate." There are two distinct ways to support Israel: for peace and not for peace. And if the Jewish community can debate it, America can. Debate suppressed by fear of AIPAC; cites critique of Carter who has been called "horrific names." Zogby has been subjected to that too. Including threats to employment. That's shameful. Most Jewish people don't support these tactics. "I'm a team player in the Dems but I believe we can have a debate."

Followup from home: Things shut down rather fast as we heard a call that we had to be out of the room in five minutes. Just a little history to explain the references to 1988: that year Zogby got a resolution introduced at the national convention, but no debate or vote. He quoted Madeliene Albright a couple times as saying debating Israel/Palestine would "destroy the Democratic Party." Wile expressing undying respect for her, Zogby notes the destruction of the party did not happen.

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