Friday, July 06, 2007

Blogging Hat Makes Debut

Blogging Hat Makes Spectacular Debut

You wanted the raspberry beret, you got the raspberry beret. I was planning a more low-key launch, but there it was this morning, above the fold on the front page of the print edition of the Gazette. I keep my word, loyal readers, even though it made me look really, really silly.

You'll note that even though it was warm at the Clinton/Clinton event, I nevertheless wore much more. All of you should be happy about that.

Seriously for a moment, or as serious as I can be wearing a pink hat: I feel funny about being singled out so dramatically. There's a lot of other really good Iowa bloggers out there, both progressive and conservative, not to mention all the people running listservs. There's too many to single out though I do want to mention my Iowa Independent colleagues, the supergroup of Iowa bloggers (Emerson, Lake and Blogger? Crosby Stills Nash and Blog?). The honor, if you can call being in the paper wearing silly headgear an "honor", really belongs to all of us. So I tip my hat to all my fellow citizen-journalists.

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