Monday, August 13, 2007

Playing Catchup Again

Playing Catchup Again

Just after I caught up from being out of the loop in moving week, a combination of family stuff and illness has me playing catchup again.

In any case the Fair Taxers are taking credit for the Huckabee surprise on Saturday. Duncan Hunter should quit but probably won't. And the big question for the Iowa GOP: what accounted for that drop in turnout: unsold tickets or no-shows? If they sold the tickets, then the Iowa GOP made out OK. If not, they just took a big financial hit.

Spent the weekend in Wisconsin for mom and dad's 50th anniversary so I no Ames. (Chase and Doug, my Iowa Indy colleagues, covered things great from the left, while Cyclone Conservatives had it from the right.) I commented as I could on Saturday, but my hotel wifi crashed late Saturday night so I could do no Sunday morning quarterbacking.

The anniversary party itself was in the afternoon which I spent reintroducing myself to all my high school teachers. My explanation of my journalism job prompted a lot of Ames discussion that was all the same: "Boy, Tommy Thompson didn't do so good, huh." (There was a slight tone of schadenfreude; the Wisconsin teacher's union and Thompson feuded for years.) Sure enough, got back to Iowa, booted up, and there was the TOMMY THOMPSON WITHDRAWS story.

Some point Sunday the achy stage of the flu hit me so I'm sleeping that off today.

Just as last week was GOP week in Iowa, this is Dem week in the gear up to the Sunday Des Moines debate. Labor has a six-candidate show Saturday night in Cedar Rapids that I'm planning to see.

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