Friday, October 12, 2007

Jacoby Backs Obama

Dave Jacoby Backs Obama

The Barack Obama campaign added another name to this week's endorsement frenzy, announcing that State Rep. Dave Jacoby of Coralville is on board.

"I believe Obama has strong leadership abilities, a level of integrity that will help lift our nation, and will surround himself with qualified competent people in the Cabinet," Jacoby told Iowa Independent.  "All the Democratic candidates have great ideas, but Obama has the ability to bridge the divisive society created by the current administration."

This is Obama's second endorsement announcement in as many days, as they rolled out Rep. Donovan Olson Wednesday.  Not to be outdone, the Biden campaign announced support from Rep. McKinley Bailey Thursday, and the Dodd campaign is promising an endorsement on Friday.

Jacoby serving food at Johnson County Dems Barbecue Oct. 6, perhaps being persuaded toward Obama by Iowa City Council member Amy Correia.

Jacoby joins his fellow Coralville legislator, Sen. Bob Dvorsky, in the Obama camp.  Iowa City's two House members, Mary Mascher and Vicki Lensing, are with Hillary Clinton, as is Fairfield Sen. Becky Schmitz who represents a piece of Johnson County.  Rep. Ro Foege, who hails from Linn County but has half a district in Johnson, is backing John Edwards.  This leaves Sen. Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City as the only remaining uncommitted member of the Johnson County Democratic delegation.

Jacoby endorsed eventual nominee John Kerry in 2004.

On the GOP side -- yes, chunks of Johnson County are in districts dominated by other counties and represented by Republicans -- Senator Jim Hahn is with the Mitt, Rep. Sandy Greiner is uncommitted with the Fred, and Jeff Kaufmann is uncommitted.

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