Wednesday, December 19, 2007

House Budget Bill Includes War Funds

House Budget Bill Includes War Funds

The U.S. House today backed an amendment to the omnibus spending bill that added $70 billion in funds for the Iraq war. The amendment had earlier passed the Senate.

Most House Democrats voted no on the 272-142 roll call, including Iowa Democrats Leonard Boswell, Bruce Braley and Dave Loebsack. Iowa Republicans Steve King and Tom Latham supported the amendment.

Republican presidential candidates Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo (who has called a press conference for tomorrow at which he is expected to quit the race) supported the measure. Republican candidate Ron Paul missed the vote, as did Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich. Kucinich left Washington this morning after learning of the death of his brother. The Bill Richardson campaign issued a statement of condolences for Kucinich.

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