Monday, December 17, 2007

Loebsack Hopes To Help Obama

Loebsack Hopes To Help Obama in 2nd CD

Last time I saw Dave Loebsack, at his birthday fundraiser Dec. 8, he said he was still thinking about his presidential choice, and turned it around to ask me who I was supporting (Sorry, but I'm playing the Professional Journalism card until 7:00 on the 3rd.) Loebsack and I had been on the same page the last two cycles: we were both Dean in 2004 and Bill Bradley in 2000. Loebsack was an early and passionate Bradley backer, and that was when I first really got to know him, never suspecting that he'd be representing me in Congress.

When Dave called to talk about his choice this afternoon, he was appropriately enough in the hometown of the man he picked -- Barack Obama. Loebsack was on the ground at O'Hare, heading back to Washington to vote on an omnibus spending bill tonight.

Loebsack's choice of Obama was in the in-box first thing this AM. He spoke earlier and at greater length with Iowa Independent's Lynda Waddington.

"Just like every other caucus goer, I analyzed the candidates very carefully. I was able to talk to them, and to a lot of folks like yourself," he said (I'm not sure I was much help). "We've got an excellent, very strong field,"

"More than the others, Obama has the capability of rising above the partisan bickering of the last six years, and he can transcend those differences."

Why now, I asked, as the day seems to be very full of endorsements? "Well, there are still people out there who are undecided. I've been very busy and focused on my job in Congress, but I've been taking this very seriously, and weighing the pros and cons of all of them."

"I think Obama is the best candidate to win the nomination and the general election, and he'll be the best to lead our country."

What can you do for Obama, I asked. "That remains to be seen, I'm pretty busy in Washington. But I'll do I can to travel with him in the district, or by myself."

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