Thursday, December 13, 2007

Steve King Thinks Christmas Is Important

Steve King Thinks Christmas Is Important
...but not enough to vote.

Alternet reports that Iowa's Own Steve King recently introduced legislation recognizing the "importance of Christmas and the Christian faith," despite previously opposing resolutions recognizing the Muslim celebration of Ramadan and the Hindu Diwali. The measure passed 372 to 9, but that wasn't enough for King, who went on Fox News (naturally) to attack the nine naysaying Democrats, calling them "secularists" who want to "eradicate Christ from Christmas."

We're a Christian nation founded on Christian principles, and we're coming up to Christmastime. ... It's time we stood up and said so, and said to the rest of America, Be who you are and be confident. And let's worship Christ and let's celebrate Christmas for the right reasons.

King asked how the nine no votes "can vote yes on Ramadan, yes on the Indian religions, and no on Christianity, when the foundation of this nation and our American culture is Christian."

The really funny part? King himself missed the vote. He was one of 40 who didn't vote, including GOP presidential candidates Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter. Ten more members voted "present."

One of the nine no's, Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, said, "All someone has to do is visit a shopping mall, turn on the radio or TV or look at the Christmas trees sitting on the front lawns of the White House and the United States Capitol to realize that no such assault (on Christianity) is underway."

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