Iowa's Newz Liter gets the best caption of the day with the Guv: "$5 Footlong."

Politico's lede is almost as good:
Chuck Grassley knows it when he sees it.
The “it,” of course, is pornography.
And the scientific community is united in that fact.
Culver, meanwhile, has cast the one vote that matters in the state chair race. I'm not a big fan of one-voter elections in general, but they're kind of inevitable when you're in power.
The Republicans are continuing their national chair race, and Iowans should note Ambinder:
An RNC rules maven contacted me with the following perspective on the RNC chair race that might explain some of the behind-the-scenes maneuvering.
It has to do with, natch, the presidential primary calendar.
Nothing specific about Iowa, but all who want to keep us first--on both sides of the aisle--should follow this.
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