Friday, June 04, 2010

Fiegen has 400

The Four Hundred Dollar Man

No press release on this one: Tom Fiegen is last one in with his finance report and has Four Hundred Dollars cash on hand. On the bright side, the KCCI poll has him at 12% for Tuesday's primary, up from 8% in the PPP poll.

Fiegen also reports $27,473 in debt. Good thing he's a bankruptcy attorney.

In any case, this gives Roxanne more than a 1000 to 1 $$$ lead over both primary opponents going into Tuesday.

Other goodies:

"State-sanctioned sodomy": more over the top than "totally nude dancing?!?

Which endorsement trumps which: Sarah Palin or Chuck Norris? And was the Palin endorsement timed to step on Chuck, or was it just Palin's usual Palin-ness? TheIowaRepublican filmed Branstad getting told about Palin and he seems genuinely surprised. Meanwhile BVP's people are POd and all this may have ripple effect into Caucus `12.

The Reg has a horse race Who Will Win poll on the GOP guv race.

Also, a couple days back, they had a handy dandy list of contested legislative races. I was working on a rundown of same but I'm running short on time (even shorter now that it's satellite voting weekend). I also as a good pundit need to make some predictions by Monday night so you can all laugh at me Wednesday morning.

Pet peeve with all media: treating races with candidates who drop out but stay on the ballot as "uncontested." Anesa Kajtazovic and Dave Jacoby still need your votes and I'd be glad to vote for either, though voting for my unopposed legislators Joe Bolkcom and Vicki Lensing was just fine too. At least the Waterloo race will be an interesting test of general voter intelligence: how many votes can a candidate still get when linked to the words "dropped out of the race" and "indicted"?

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