Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Boss And The Boss

Big weeks for Iowa Democrats as the boss - as in El Presidente - visits Mt. Vernon Wednesdat and THE Boss - as in Brooooooooooooooooooooooce Springsteen - is in Ames Thursday. (Take THAT, Chris Christie.) I'll miss both - too much work to do - but Iowa City gots love from both the president and from a New Jersey musician earlier this cycle. (Still, Bon Jovi ≠ Springsteen)

Instead we get... the mayor of Minneapolis today at the Johnson County Dems BBQ. By coincidence Republicans are having a barbecue at an overlapping time. I see that John Etheredge, a supposedly "independent" candidate for supervisor, is speaking and handing out signs. We know the guy was a registered Republican, not looks like he's campaigning as one too.

The supervisor candidates are meeting at a forum Monday, the warm-up debate for Tuesday's presidential face-off. And of course there have been legislative forumses... fora? debates all over the place. In our own neighborhood, a House 79 forum with Dem Dick Schwab and the GOP's Bobby Kaufmann.

Elsewhere: A three corner race in open Senate 42 between Democrat Rich Taylor, Republican Larry Kruse, and Michael Garmoe of the Slightly Silly Party; a match in Johnston between Democrat Kelsey Clark and Republican Jake "Scarface" Highfill over who gets to serve one term in House 39; and the two-year Senate 49 contest between Republican Andrew Naeve and Democrat Rita Hart.

Get those write in pencils ready: In news that surprises absolutely no one, Ron Paul refuses to endorse Mitt. And I question I wish I'd thought of: In Real Life how much would James Bond cost taxpayers?

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