Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Statehouse Rs kill weed reform, local Democrat gets blame

Contrasting stories on the drug war front. Statehouse Republicans are, before the session even starts, killing any hope for drug law reform:
“No, I don’t want to embark on an experiment like that. I think would be damning to the health and welfare of the citizens of our state,” Branstad said.

Iowa’s governor also said he won’t reverse his stance against medical marijuana, describing it as something that would lead to a transition to more widespread use of marijuana.
That bill's lead sponsor is a local Democrat, Joe Bolkcom. But even though it's Republicans Branstad and Clel "medical marijuana is a joke" Baudler that have leading Democrats acknowledging that no bill can pass this year...'s a local Democrat who's in the hot spot.
Johnson County district attorney candidate Zimmerman says he wants to end prosecution of marijuana use, stop racial profiling if he wins election over incumbent Janet Lyness.
 Interesting spring ahead.

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