Monday, September 12, 2005

Republican Rhetoric Run Amok in Minnesota

Republican Rhetoric Run Amok in Minnesota

The Rainforest becomes an issue in Minnesota:

This weekend Republican Mark Kennedy provided Minnesotans with yet another example of just far Republican rhetoric is from reality. In a speech Kennedy gave in front of the Minnesota GOP he used an indoor rain forest in Iowa as an example of “outrageous” pork spending. Too bad he forgot that he actually voted for that bill himself!

Locally, the Coralville election seems to be a lot quieter this year; in 2003 an anti-hotel, anti-rainforest challenger slate opposed the incumbents (and lost roughly two to one). This year, with the hotel a fait accompli, support for the rainforest melting dowm on the council, and the entire rainforest project in disarray, the challengers are either invisible or absent.

hat tip: From The Roots

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