The worst.
Tancredo said he would tell his constituents about his plans "the day after the (Colorado) Rockies play their last game.
...his campaign will be "pretty much over with" unless he can finish in the top three in either the New Hampshire or Iowa primary contests.
Dennis, the menace, Kucinich had quite a quarter for fundraising. All in all, he brought home not one clean, crisp $20 spot, but two. That's right. For the third quarter Dennis Kucinich raised $40 for his re-election to Congress campaign. Looks like he put as much work into fundraising for OH-10 as he puts in for his constituents.
But then, at last, some Granite Staters bared their dark souls."You're a rinky-dink state, and it serves Florida right," barked educator Mary Ann Reynolds, before an Obama rally in Plymouth. "The people of Florida didn't stop Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris from stealing the election in 2000. We don't forget. Maybe we ought to punish Florida more for what happened in 2000."
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