Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday quick hits

Wednesday quick hits

  • Bret Hayworth at the Sioux City Journal says it:
    Clinton was stopped by so many people wanting to snap pictures, which she obliged for several minutes. The interesting aspect was how many of the fawning people were women. An observer said if that “near riot” reaction — red-faced delight, giggles — was any gauge, HC is a lock to win Iowa on Jan. 3.

    I’m reminded of anecdotal views on Clinton, relayed from the recent family events of friends. One guy related how all the women in his big family gathering were saying Clinton is unsupportable for the presidency, while in the other family all three of the middle-aged sisters are fully for Hillary. Lots of people want Hillary to become president, including some who want her candidacy to succeed simply because she’s a woman.

  • The Michigan Caucus Haters have a new national nomination plan:
    Michigan Republican Chairman Saul Anuzis and Democratic activist Debbie Dingell yesterday proposed a bipartisan presidential primary selection plan that would divide the 50 states into six regions. The nation would hold six separate presidential selection dates, with one or two states from each region chosen to participate on each date. A lottery would determine the order in which the groups voted.nation plan on the table for 2012.

    "We need to end the monopoly of some states that always enjoy earlier contests while protecting every state's right to be relevant in the process," said Dingell, a Democratic National Committee member who has fought to take away Iowa and New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation status.

    Six simultaneous contests in six different regions of the country? Sound like a $ystem rigged for whoever can rai$e the mo$t money for TV ads and jet fare, as opposed to shaking hands at the Hamburg Inn.
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