Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Blogger's Lament

Blogger's Lament

Struggling with a massive case of writer's block the last few days. I have nothing of interest to say about the Pope and it's been kind of a one news story weekend.

So for the last few weeks I've been watching the traffic slowly trickle off. I ping and tag and write and ping and tag and write, and watch myself devolve from Crawly Amphibian to Flippery Fish.

But as soon as writers block hits - capped by that pathetic "Nothing To Say" post Sunday, the hit counter spins faster than it has since the Cedar Rapids book burning blast last July. Second busiest day ever. And why?

Well, it seems this post, a sad little link to someone else's actual musical creativity, indexed well and is accounting for a third of the traffic. That wonderful post that I jazzed up with a stupid Laura Prepon pic from a YEAR ago, that just happened to get indexed on a Google photo index, makes up another quarter. Only 20 percent of the traffic is actually landing on the blog page proper.

And my only inbound link in a couple weeks is on Florida redistricting - credit that's really due to the blogger I linked to in the first place.

Yet when I put some real effort into it (the Women Not Winning In Iowa series) - it's a drip in the ocean. So does it really matter what I write? Or that I've resorted to writing about writer's block? Is this some sort of metaphor for futility?

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