Gronstal in IC with Bolkcom
Greetings from the Chait Art Gallery in downtown Iowa City, where Mike Gronstal is visiting at a little fundraiser for Senator Joe Bolkcom. Not sure how newsworthy this is; it’s just one of dozens of such things across the state, hundreds across the country, that make the difference between a majority and a minority. Or, in the case of the Iowa Senate, a tie.
Coincidence: Joe and Mike both used to have mustaches; both have shaved. Coincidence? Don’t know but I’m keeping mine.
We have wine and cheese in an art gallery, which is very Iowa City. No latte however, that’s across the street. Joe’s up to do the intros, thanks the food folks and the envelope stuffers first. Politicos present: Senate colleague Bob Dvorsky, Supervisors Neuzil and Sullivan, Sheriff Lonny Pulkrabek, and Janet Lyness our county attorney nominee. My state rep Vicki Lensing gets there a bit later.
Joe’s got opposition this time, first time in a while. Bolkcom’s concerned about public university support. Tough budgets recently, but with the tied senate it has helped get more education resources. But still have not been able to meet university needs; “I reject the notion that we are on a track to privatize these institutions. I fully intent to keep working for strong appropriations.”
There’s been much pressure as economy as struggled that U should play larger economic development role. True, but universities are “not an arm of the chamber of commerce. The mission is to teach our kids and do basic research,” some research may have economic application.
Predatory lending and fair credit for Iowans: we’ve ignored the two-tiered credit system where poor people are thrown to the wolves. As we’ve ignored that, it’s crept upward to the middle class with exorbitant credit card fees and bank charges. Discussed this during the John Edwards visit; one woman got jacked from 9% interest to 30% because a payment was two days late.
Now intro-ing Gronstal: “Mike has worked harder than anyone to get Dems into majority. He loves his work; he thinks he’s funny…” (Mike: “WHAT committees are you gonna serve on?”) The Senator from Johnson expresses great satisfaction with his committees.
Mike likewise praises the Johnson County delegations. Mike’s first district was 61% GOP performance. Every organized group endorsed his opponent – and Mike won. “I never take anything for granted and neither does Joe – and most of you are taking this one for granted, it’s just the truth.”
Gronstal adds: “I didn’t run to elect Democrats. I ran to change this state.” Discusses his family’s GOP banking roots and his own coming of age as a Democrat in the `60s civil rights era. I got caught up in listening to the stories rather than transcribing; if Mike is in your town he’ll fill you in.
Gronstal says Joe likes to give me credit for stopping debate on the gay marriage amendment, all Senate Dems share credit. To a person the Dem caucus is sticking together on this.
Environment – We’ll show the world how to transition to renewable fuels, discussing ethanol and wind. Also moving forward on water quality. (Missing a little - I'm still not the transcriber that O. Kay is.)
Mental health parity took 24 years to pass, we got it because of the tied senate. We have an incredible opportunity – once in a political lifetime. In 1964 Iowa Dems won the trifecta - House, Senate, Governor – and in 1965 we got community colleges. Our opportunities are as great this year if we can take advantage of them.
So… that’s the speeches! Not quite live, the wifi dropped out and I felt the need to schmooze.
Happy birthday to my two senior cats; Butter and Spot are 9 today. They celebrated by getting way too stoned on catnip.