Tuesday, March 20, 2007

NYTimes: Iowans A Bunch Of Meskin-Hating Rednecks

NYTimes: Iowans A Bunch Of Meskin-Hating Rednecks

New Yoork Times has a must read on McCain and Brownack's adventures here in the heart of whitest Iowa, and how Iowa Republicans only want to talk about one thing:
On Saturday morning in Des Moines, Mr. Brownback stood for 30 minutes at a breakfast with Republicans as question after question — without exception — was directed at an immigration system that Iowans denounced as failing. “These people are stealing from us,” said Larry Smith, a factory owner from Truro and a member of the central committee of the state Republican Party.

Finally, Mr. Brownback, with a slight smile, inquired, “Any other topics that people want to talk about?”

“What are you going to do with illegal immigrants who come here and become criminals?” demanded Jodi Wohlenhaus, a Republican homemaker who lives outside Des Moines.

1 comment:

Gamma said...

If you read about the ideas of the ultra wealthy Rev Moon of the Unification Church and his influence on conservative politics you'll see a connection. He ironically is very anti-immigrant. The Iowa GOP is very much prone to repeating his beliefs. I wonder if they are aware of it.
