Friday, March 02, 2007

Tancredo's The One To Watch

Tancredo's The One To Watch

Sorry, Gov. Richardson, but the weather looked nasty. Catch you next time, and link love later for those who are there.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at the right side of things. (Aside: Anybody want me to cover a GOP event, just to capture my take on the look and feel of the thing?) Iowa Voice bemoans the current GOP field and laments my Theory Of The Turn:

We’ve got to end this nonsense of putting someone up there simply because we think they’ve ‘earned it’ (Bob Dole) or because we think he can win, and instead nominate the best conservative we can find for the job.

If you want to know why McCain and Rudy are high in the polls right now, it’s because they’ve got the name recognition going for them. It’s not because they’re conservatives, because we know they’re not.

Well, too conservative for me, but we are talking GOP standards here. Iowa Voice then goes on to cite who was at some big conservative get together:

Team Tancredo seems to be sporting, with 0% deviation, 'no smoking' style stickers, with 'Rudy McRomney' emblazoned on the backdrop. In other words, there's a concerted group of anti-moderates on the ground. But, interestingly, most of them aren't focused on the Big Three, or Rudy Giuliani, or even McCain. Most are focused on Romney.

The evidence for this? The appearance of Mitt Flops-- quite literally, flip-flops in four different colors, pointing out Romney's wild changes of position on everything from taxes, to guns, to political parties, which seem to be in the hands of every Tancredo-ite in sight, but which during the course of the day made their way into the hands of many, if not most, attendees.

This confirms two of my pet theories:

  • Mitt Romney is a crash and burn waiting to happen
  • and Tom Tancredo is the winger candidate who is going to come out of nowhere and shock everyone.
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