Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Primary Leapfrog: Michigan's Moves

Primary Leapfrog: Michigan's Moves

In the wake of Florida moving its primary to January 29, Michigan has been expected to move to an earlier date as well. Blog-star Chris Bowers of MyDD cites this tip from an anonymous Michigander:
My local Democratic club, and my county party, have been told to secure caucus sites for December 8th and 15th, and January 5th and 12th, along with our scheduled February 9th. The list of sites are to be submitted by June 1st, so it would seem these are the only possible 5 dates.

While Bowers thinks Michigan is bluffing, he still expects Iowa to move to January 7.

Meanwhile, the Union-Leader reports that New Hampshire's secretary of state is, so far, OK with the Florida move, thugh he isn't setting the date yet.

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