Long Walks and Signwar Cleanup
Notes from the road home:
Spent some time on the handshake line with some young folks in Jimmy Carter campaign gear. They were uncommitted but eager, and looking for a brush with fame. They'd shaken Obama's hand before I arrived (as his Secret Service team was loading him up in the distance), but Hillary Clinton left the line about 50 feet before she would have gotten to them. They settled for handshaking host Harkin. Meanwhile, up toward the horizon, Bill Richardson was still working the rope.

The campaigns appeared to have been duly diligent in cleaning up after the sign war along the roadsides of Indianola. Biden had the most signs left, but he was after all the last speaker and I saw staffers with stacks of signs.
At Clinton HQ there was a large pile of blue signs with white and red. Mostly Clinton, but a few Dodds and Richardsons mixed in. I suspect the problem wasn't hanky panky but similar color schemes and tired people.
Team Clinton was also loading up a big UHaul full of stuff at a parking lot near a school. Speaking of parking, a lot of folks, mostly young, were walking up to a couple miles from the balloon field toward town.
And north of Indianola a TV crew was doing a standup. Apparantly the actual field of the Steak Fry location wasn't picturesque enough. Not enough corn. But the faux field was Grant Wood rolling perfect.
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