When you strip away all the Hallmark hoopla, it's really quite simple to get married in Iowa (provided the male to female ratio of the couple is 50-50). Just takes a couple IDs, a few days, two witnesses, 35 bucks for the license and 50 bucks for a magistrate and you can do it.
So 3:00 Friday... we did.
Romantic in its extreme simplicity. Didn't tell anyone who wasn't on a need to know basis beforehand. We didn't want anyone to feel left out, so we left EVERYONE out. Didn't even tell the kids till after the fact. But now that I told the other bloggers, I need to post this so I don't get scooped on my own wedding.
We'll do something fun with more people... later.
UPDATE: Thanks for all the comment love, folks. Our witnesses were not the cats, but rather Koni's sister Lori and Brian Flaherty, best known to most as fearless leader of the JCDems. Lori's baby Owen -- now officially my nephew -- was also on hand.
1 comment:
Congratulations and Best Wishes.
Check the link, it might be appropriate.
Please not it was on KING records
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