Monday, November 18, 2013

Upcoming events: November 18-25

The week's big event happened 50 years ago and as math would have it the 1963 and 2013 calendars synch up so November 22 is again a Friday. Barring a fresh tragedy with its own somber theme music, prepare to have the current news cycle stomped on by All Kennedy All Weekend. Locally, Larry Baker is organizing a commemoration noon Friday, pretty close to the actual time, in Room A of the Iowa City Public Library.

Here in the 21st century a couple items:

Steven Jenison, who helped create New Mexico’s Medical Cannabis Program and served as its first medical director, will host “A Conversation about medical marijuana in Iowa” at  the Iowa City Public Library at 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Tuesday is also the Senate 13 special election between GOP Rep. Julian Garrett and ex-rep Mark Davitt for the Dems. This is the Kent Sorenson replacement elecdtion.

Wednesday Bruce Braley is in greater metro Solon for a house party at 3763 Cottage Reserve Rd., NE, 5:30pm until 7:30pm.

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