"What inspired you to go from undergrad in textiles to law school."
JE: "Some of you might recall me saying I'm the son of a millworker. Elizabeth said she was gonna shoot me if I said that tonight." JE discusses family background but says he always wanted to study law. "My life has always been about standing up for the little guy." "And I WON my cases by the way." I'm not a new Democrat, I'm a REAL Democrat. (Appl.) Dems have stood for poor and disenfranchised, and we need to stand up for them today. I would do it with great pride. Today that includes standing up for the middle class.
Question about British soldies held by Iran. JE: Facts are unclear. If we were in the wrong I'd tell the truth. Honesty gives us credibility.
Stem Cells: "It's become increasingly important to us." Restrictions are "insane." America needs to lead on this and all research. If we don't lead, it'll be done somewhere else.
Little kid: college affordability. JE: College needs to be available to everyone who wants to go. And debt takes decades to pay off.
Winding down. Plugs web site. Plugs signup cards. 7:14 and he wraps.
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